It's me.
It's so frosty outside, I'm afraid to venture out of my hole. In fact, I must have missed a week ago Sunday all together with that drasted blizzard.
I don't know if I can tell you much about what's happened in Rosebud Church lately, I've been so busy nesting and resting, but I'll try.
Let's see...
Well the funny Barefoot in the Park folks left and now these drama ministry students have really been using a lot of space to create their Maundy Thursday service. I see lots of goblets, and where there's goblets, there's usually bread!
The women's Bible study are here now, and they are a surprisingly noisy bunch.
I liked the music Me and the Mrs. played. Some nice, foot-tapping ole tunes. That Heather's got some skill with the mandolin. I like how her fingers tickle the strings in between phrases.
But, why was there no cake? Two Sundays in a row they bring cake, but not last Sunday... they better do something come Easter.
So yes, Easter. Not sure how I feel about it. Why does everything have to be so dark and somber before the brightness and life? I can hardly wait.
Ray told a really interesting story on Sunday about a violin player who had polio as a child and couldn't walk very well. So after he was all settled to play with the orchestra, his string broke. But guess what? Instead of getting up to go get it fixed, or getting a new one - he played with three strings!
Wow, that story really stuck with me. That and the part about laying down your precious cloak in the path of Jesus coming on the colt into Jerusalem.
I wonder... What would I do?
What could I give?
Even if I sang out, my voice would not be heard over the shouting crowds. Maybe I could scramble up onto a rock and wave my arms, but I'm so small, even then he probably wouldn't see me.
"Saviour, Do not pass me by!"
What do the little folk of this world do to be heard?
Well, some of us start a blog; like me.
Thanks for hearing me.
(Your Rosebud Church Mouse)