Hi there.
I'm finally coming out in the open.
I can't help it.
I get so lonely in the church without anyone to talk to and I get tired of hiding.
So there.
My secret's out.
I live ...somewhere... in Rosebud Church.
Not telling you where until we become better acquainted, but for now, just know that I'm there.
I love Mondays after Soup Sunday at Rosebud Church; what a feast!
Although Cranky the Cricket and I had to wait a long time for everyone to leave yesterday. My goodness, you people can meet a long time when there's a blizzard outside.
Sure am glad the heat never went off though, otherwise I'd have to move into Pastor Ray's office where it's always cozy, but very little food except for the occasional banana peel. (Please don't tell him I go in there though).
So, I got to watch some pretty cool drama ministry performances yesterday, after that Kevin woke me with his trumpet!
Why all this about thirsting? First the guy with a girl on his back, and then the other girl saying she was so thirsty -and the water was right there the whole time! I even got thirsty looking at it.
Then I heard many a prayer and quite a bit of music. Yes, I like it. (I know you were about to ask.) - I like it so much, I even sang along. I like the part about healing in the desert, even though I've never been in a desert, but I can imagine it's a little like Rosebud labyrinth in August, only without the shade of Samson, the big old tree.
Then I saw some pictures from China. Stan Riegel talked about his trip there where he gave out drugs to people after helpful surgery. Wow. That's a long way to go. The lights flickered and then they had trouble getting the pictures going again, so Stan answered questions. I liked that too. I kept staring at the poster hung from the cross with little colorful people all over it.
One of my favorite parts was when everyone came up to the table where they had a big loaf of crumbly bread and dipped it in the goblets. I was REALLY thirsty then, I tell ya. Just salivating.
After that everyone went to the soup room.
Some kids had made very colorful centerpieces that looked like spring flowers. I thought that was very funny because outside the windows all was white, white, white. But they seemed to make people very happy.
I think I took a nap during most of the meeting that came next, but I heard a few chuckles. Something about "Seconder Sue" and so forth.
Ah, I must go back to my scrounging now before someone comes with a vacuum. That Samantha stage manager is a bit of neat freak. I look forward to laughing at more silly business during
Barefoot in the Park rehearsals, but for now I must finish scrounging for my week's supply.
So long for now.
Hope to see you all next Sunday (an hour earlier) for another service with communion. I like that Lent lets you have that feast every week if you want.
Oh, I heard the drama ministry team is working up a special service for Maundy Thursday. Hope to see you there: Thursday March 28 at 7pm. Rosebud Church. (I hope they bring bread... and cheese!)